
Design Area

NSF Grant Designs

PCB Deisgn


Concept for PCB:

Attaches as a shield/hat to the Arduino UNO

Limit the wiring and allow connections to the components. Add an Uno reset switch to the PCB.  have a duplicate RYG LED to shine into the box below.

Heist Box Design

Initial Design for new box.  

220mm (W) x 180mm (L) x 180mm (T)

Two lids.  Right lid has cut out for display and LED lights.

Door and lid has a lockable clasp for physical security. 

Box Door Design

3/18/24 - Updated for a 5x7" clear plexiglass.  This is a standard size for picture frames so easy to source. (or can do 4x6")

1/3/2024 - Updated from December draft.

7.5" x 5.8" (190mm x 150mm) door with latch.

A 100mm x 100mm clear plexiglass insert to see the stickers inside.

Lab and Design Activity

New Printer - Heist Box Top

12/19/23 - Dialed-in the CR-5 Pro H bed leveling, temps and Z-axis offset and printed first concept for the top.

Attached Boards

12/19/23 - May need to do some slight adjustments and add an access opening for Pi.  However, not a bad prototype top.  The PCB will go on top of the (as an Arduino shield) with the components. 

Updated OS

12/19/23 - Did a list of OS changes for new Heist system over the week.  

New out of the Cyber Heist Labs - 11/1/2023

A test bench of the Arduino side of the system.  To be sent to a contract developer to help with development and testing.  

Logo and Sticker Design

Logo Design

For kit items like notebooks, and bannaers. etc.

Sticker Design

Will add in this in with the other bulk "IT / hacker" stickers.

Heist Kit Items Arrived

12/15/23 - Items for the Sticker Heist:  Branded stickers, notebooks and 16GB USB drives.

Previous System 2 Designs

Second System 2 Box 

Enough PLA, extra Arduino , Pi and parts I created a copy.  On this one I'm testing a three light component that has built in resistor and extra, green, light.  Will see about modifying the code to add the green light (connected to D1 on Arduino) in the system.  

System 2 Hardware

Prototype 2 Hardware

Note: This parts list may vary for NSF grant design.  There is no direct support from Sinclair (Dr. Mike) If you build your own. 



V2 Designs 

System Rack

System Rack Enclosure Kit (component top mounts to this) 

Currently box, enclosure top and left lid are printed.   Making two lids to put less stress on the hinges that will be glued on.

V2 Box Design

Server box design

System Enclosure Top

Box component top design

Right Side Lid

Top right lid design

Left Side Lid

Top left lid design 

System 3 R&D - Archived for now

New x86 Security Server

Hardened x86 Server

on a Hackboard 2 

Arduino 2560 with Touch Screen

Touch screen PIN pad and status